Saturday, January 28, 2012

2011 in review: late update!

whoops! i just realized that i haven't gotten around to blogging my end of the year's the total:

463.12 miles! 

i didn't make a mileage goal for 2011 and i'm not sure if i will make a mileage goal for this year either. i'm not sure if it's a good thing or not so good thing for me to do. i'll put that on the back burner of my brain for now. but in 2011 i kept five 10wk run schedules. yes, there were missed runs/workouts (life happens...), yes there were days when i just didn't feel like it. but the best thing about 2011 and the run schedules? i got to run OUTSIDE for the first time..AND with my most favorite running buddy EVER! my husband returned from Afghanistan in May and we were finally able to run together for the first time since i started running. we're good partners because he keeps me going when i feel like i can't and vice versa. he's complimented me and commented on how far i've come since the first time i ran outside with him and how much i've improved. that's really nice to hear and much needed since the first time i ran outside i seriously wanted to give up running. it totally sucked. i didn't like it at all. it just wasn't something i was used to and it made me feel like i was the slowest runner ever. it made me feel like a failure. but nonetheless...i powered through (thanks to my husband) and didn't give up. now i love being outside...such a change from all the way back in May.
and this summer i also ran my first 10k--against myself, of course. but i did it! actually, i did it multiple times. and it was great! i found a nice bike path that quickly became one of my favorite places to run.

so..yeah. those are the highlights of my 2011 running. overall, i'm pretty proud of myself.

and now on to this year. we'll see what's in store for me.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The key?

A few days ago when I was on a "date" with Millie, doing just fine, trucking along on my run until another person comes into the gym and completely disrupts me. What I mean by that is, I zone out on my most people tend to do. I have come to love running without my mp3 player. Just me, Millie and my thoughts. Until another person enters the gym, turns on the tv and rips me from my zen-like state. Now I know I may sound spoiled to you, but the gym is in my apartment building and at the hour I use it there is usually no one in I suppose I've become a bit spoiled by having it all to myself.
Back to the point here...I always bring my music with me "just in case." And on that particular day I was quite thankful I did....because I think I may have found the key to being bff's with 'ol Millie.

Classical Relaxation Beethoven with Ocean Sounds.

Yes, you read that correctly. Soothing classical music. It was perfect. Long ago I made a relaxation playlist, normally used for helping me fall asleep on occasion. But in this instance it seemed perfect. And it was! I couldn't believe how as soon as I turned that on it took me back to my zen place. It was like I wasn't even running. It was surreal to be completely honest. I loved every single second of it and have since then used it. I think I finally found something that works for me!

It's really exciting for me since I've been searching for something to keep me sane during the winter season. I'm not sure how long it will last, but for right now, I'm basking in my newfound "key!"

Saturday, January 14, 2012


“Everybody runs in the spring and fall – that’s the easy part. Running in the winter is what makes you a true champion.” -- Simon Bairu”

I found this on twitter today. Why does this quote make me so mad? 

Is it because I chose not to invest in cold weather running gear and should have since it's barely snowed so far this season? Or is it because this "Simon person" thinks they're above others that don't run outside in the winter? 
What makes one runner superior over another? ..besides the whole speed, distance, blah, blah, blah thing..


Ok, rant over. No one can take away my "I'm a runner!" status. Not some silly quote found on twitter. Not anyone who sees me jogging, walking or doing a cross-training workout instead of running..because choose not to run every single day of the week. 

So yeah..silly Simon. Thanks for being the center of my "rant-y" blog and the little fire ant in my pants. I've shaken you loose, flicked you off of me and onward I go...RUNNING.