Monday, September 19, 2011


i decided last week that i needed to take a detour with my run schedule and do an entire week of cross-training. i could really feel it in my knees that i needed a break. and no amount of ice and minimal recovery on the weekends was going to do much good. so that's exactly what i did. i did do a little easy running on monday, but otherwise it was all cross-training. i did ab, arm, and back work, rode the stationary bike, did my usual steep incline walk on the treadmill and circuits. it was a nice change of pace, but i have to admit that it was hard for me to take a break like that. i know that i did the right thing by listening to my body, but man..that inner voice in my head--she's a loud girl!
here's hoping that my cross-training week paid off by giving my knees the much needed break they were asking for.

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