Sunday, January 23, 2011


geez! it's about dang time! i FINALLY got a good pilates workout in this morning.  yay!!! i'm very happy with myself for getting that done. i dug the dvd out of a box that all my workout dvds went into once we moved into this place (since it has a gym) and as soon as the "little sidekick" went down for a nap, it was ON! i can't remember the last time i did pilates.  it's been such a long time. i think it was probably right around the time that we moved in here, so...april, maybe? either way it's been quite some time and i'm hoping to make this an every sunday ritual. so even though i disappointed myself with only 6 miles this week, i did manage to get my pilates done that i've been talking about doing for the past few weeks, and that satisfies me. and hopefully this cold/snotty thing goes away quickly, so i can bump it back up to my regular miles.

ps..the three pilates highlighted links are the dvds that i have.  the one by Brooke Siler is my favorite!

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