so here's a quick overview of what my weeks will look like (keep in mind the mileage numbers will go up as the weeks go on):
monday-run 3miles
tues- run 20mins/6x100's
wed-run 3 miles
friday-run 3 miles
saturday-family walk
sunday-recovery day
i've dedicated mondays, wednesday and fridays to be my hard, all out run days (the miles will increase in the following weeks) and the speed work will possibly increase in numbers too.
speaking of speedwork, this is the first time i've ever really put that into my workout days and i'm hoping to get better at it and as i get better, hopefully i'll like it more!
so there's the update on the last set of 10wks and an update as to what's in store for me in the weeks to come.
oh and ps..even though i'm not training for a race right now, i've set myself up to be able to run 6.2 miles the last week of the schedule. and as a great friend and running buddy pointed out to me--that's half of a half marathon!
yes, it may sound geeky, but I'M EXCITED! running
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