Wow..I'm such a procrastinator blogger. I have so many things that I want to say and am thinking about that I get overwhelmed and then just put it off aka don't do it. It's frustrating and at the same time..I must be benefiting from it in some way? Maybe if I don't write down my thoughts, goals, or whatever...then maybe it's not true, or that way if I fail no one has to know? Probably. At any rate here's what's new with me.....
The past few weeks, I've discovered that I enjoy watching Netflix while I run. I didn't think I would because of what I mentioned in my prior post about needing the silence while I run or the soothing sounds of classical music combined with crashing waves and ocean..but it turns out I do enjoy it. I've been watching various shows here and there, something pretty mindless so I can run, still focus on my breathing and not completely have to think about or pay full attention to what I'm watching...if that makes sense at all. Ha! Ha!
So far it's been working to my advantage and "Millie" and I are getting along quite well. :)
As for the "news" part of this blog I have something excited to report! I have OFFICIALLY registered for the Brookings Half Marathon! I put off registering for awhile now and I did that because I was terrified. I know that if I registered and PAID to run in this race that I'd have no choice but to do it. I'd have to start a training plan (which I have no problems with since I've been keeping a run schedule since last year) and I'd have to make sure that I'm mentally able to run 13.1 miles. Above any and all reasons to be scared the biggest one meant that I couldn't quit. Not that I'm a quitter...but we're talking about a half marathon. Something I've never done before. Heck, I've never run in a race before! Not a mile race, not a 5k, not a 10k..nothing. So, yes..a little bit scared is warranted here. But, I decided to do something memorable this year since I'm going into a new decade soon: 30! And what better way to remember turning 30yrs old than to run my very first half marathon? Yep--happy birthday to me! I'm really excited because a few friends of mine are running it with me too.
Also..I signed up for another race..sooner than the half marathon in May. It's a St Patty's Day 5 mile run. I didn't really know about it, even though it's right here in the same city where I live. But a friend suggested it and said she was running it, so I figured "why not?" So, I registered too! A 5 mile run isn't what is on the schedule for that particular day of that week, but it's all about being flexible, right? I think I'm suppose to run 7 miles on that day of my schedule, so I'll either be short that day or run a few before or after. Who knows..either way it doesn't matter much, it's just one day...and it's going to be a super fun run too!
My only wish in all of this coming up ahead is that my husband was going to be running with me. He's my most favorite running buddy..besides myself, of course! Ha! But with his odd work hours/sleep just doesn't leave much room for training for a race. He'll be at both to cheer me on though.
So yeah...that's where I'm at with my running right now.
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