Wednesday, January 5, 2011

we're off. and then we're running.

with my 10wk plan there are rest days included, so my body has time to rest (duh!) and get stronger. yes, you do NEED to rest so your body has time to repair, strengthen and get ready for the next workout. my plan is to run 4 days out of the week and then on my off days do ab/arm workouts.
well, my original schedule had my run days to be monday, tuesday, thursday, friday. and my rest days would be wednesday, saturday and sunday.  well, yesterday my body must have needed the rest because i totally slept in past my 540am alarm and slept until 8am.  sleeping that long is not like me at all.  i'm normally an early bird, which i inherited from my parents and my kids have inherited from me. so, yesterday was my rest day.  :)
i had a good workout today. my plans are to increase the times that i run versus jog as the weeks go on. the one thing that i'm excited about is seeing my weekly mileage totals. having my run schedule on the fridge and having to fill it in with my miles each day will definitely be my motivation.

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